Comment 67575

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted August 06, 2011 at 17:23:55

The city is working on the assumption that Metrolinx (i.e. the province) will pay 100% of the direct costs and are working now (or were working) on calculating exactly what should be included in the direct costs. This cost-sharing is based on Metrolinx's funding of other transit projects, and discussions with Metrolinx.

Indirect costs would include upgrades not directly related to the LRT line construction (rebuilding sidewalks, planting street trees, improvements to adjacent streets), or infrastructure replacement that would have been done anyway (e.g. a sewer line that would have needed to be replaced in the next ten years, or a road that already needed resurfacing). Exactly what is included in direct costs will be the subject of negotiation with Metrolinx.

Remember that a major justification of LRT is that it will boost tax revenues and make the city more financially sustainable by encouraging densification, meaning more residents paying for a given piece of infrastructure.

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2011-08-06 18:00:17

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