Comment 66583

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted July 20, 2011 at 12:26:48

The term "post-industrial" really irks me. There's nothing "post-industrial" about this process or the result. Industries may vanish from some areas, but only as a result of larger global patterns of consolidation and centralization. This sort of regional division of labour is exactly what industrialism has always been about, the only different is that it has now outgrown our particular place. "Post-industrial societies" virtually always rely heavily on mass-produced goods, often more than their "industrial" neighbours, they just don't produce them locally.

If you want to see how this kind of economic policy works out in the long run, buy some overpriced gas and take a drive to Michigan. "Buy more, work less" is a fun idea for a while, but it just can't last.

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