Comment 65659

By 2 wheels good (anonymous) | Posted July 06, 2011 at 14:31:31 in reply to Comment 65655

"or a lane to drive in." You mean the imaginary down-bound bike lanes that don't exist? Well, in the case of the escarpment that's probably a good thing. It would be expected that a down bound bike lane would have a higher rate of crashes than you will see with bikes riding with other traffic in mixed use lanes.

While it's true that dedicated bike lanes often increase bicycle use on a given route, and increase the level of perceived safety, especially for novice cyclists, if you look at controlled studies of collisions it is also the case that bike lanes tend to increase collision rates, not decrease them.

This is in large part because they complicate vehicle "crossing movements" at intersections, which is where about 80% of urban collisions occur.

But also, and particular to this case, alarmingly high collision rates are seen on high speed (steep gradient) bike paths due to the wide range of speeds chosen by different users within the bike lane.

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