Comment 48724

By jasonaallen (registered) - website | Posted October 04, 2010 at 09:58:50

Isn't that kind of like blaming a fraud victim for getting ripped off? So because MacHattie stood up for city building, stood up for urban renewal, and tried to face down a corporate bully who had gone "crazy Ivan" with a month to go, now he's the bad guy?

Here's a question: Where was Greco during the debate? Did he show up at the pro East Mountain rally? Did he garner support and help build consensus from his shop? If he did, he was awfully quiet about it.

F.Y.I. 'Mr' Tony - campaigning to be the one to make Ward 1 a better place didn't start 3-4 weeks ago, it started 3-4 years ago. Where have you been all this time?

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