Comment 47250

By realfreeenterpriser (registered) | Posted September 05, 2010 at 12:14:32

Hamilton Fan said "He would feel, as would I, that he is stealing, if you will, from taxpayers if he were to use all of the $100 mill on a stadium for a site that will see the TigerCats limp from existence year to year and require more public funds to help "subsidize", a favourite word on this site, the team year to year."

"Feeling like he is stealing" hasn't seemed to have had much of an effect in the last 10 years.

If he doesn't buy a stadium at market prices, or if he doesn't pay market rent, or if he doesn't pay the full shot for policing, concessions and the HSR, then he's still being subsidized. What else would you call it?

As to the Tiger-Cats "limping from year to year" at West Harbour; their books would show that. Oh yeah, that's right, no one's seen them.

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