Comment 40558

By Tybalt (registered) | Posted May 07, 2010 at 17:54:57

MLS needs a market much larger than what Hamilton has to offer. Hamilton's best move forward on soccer would be to seek a team in the new US Soccer Pyramid but at the USSF-2 or even the USL-2 level. USL-2 (which is two levels below the MLS) is probably about right and provided an owner can be found, USL-2 doesn't take a big level of commitment. A new stadium like the proposed West Hbr would also be ideal for the USSF-2, the new league one step below MLS. Although those cities tend to be bigger.

Hamilton, though, has had professional and semi-professional soccer before and it hasn't been supported. The advantage of something like USL-2 is that you could take time to build a following.

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