Comment 35590

By Barney Google (anonymous) | Posted November 19, 2009 at 15:58:44

Pan Am the future? It's an old-boy's club using old political methods to divert public funds into clubby old sports. It's as old as Hamilton's last Commonwealth Games that resulted in a civic stadium with limited commercial development due to its location in a residential community.

Still, I'd as soon have the games as not so long as the "legacy" projects were useful. What Merulla points out is that current plans are not. Better to spend directly on residential and community development than on projects that conflict with our resident communities. As such, I think Mr. Merulla is more on side with Mr. Florida than all the Pam Am rah rah boys. Build communities creative people want to live in and the jobs and commercial development will come to them.

Makes that stadium pic at the top of the page a good last laugh at the local old boys network.

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