Comment 33683

By Really? (registered) | Posted September 16, 2009 at 14:24:01

Very well said, Ryan! I really hope Council actually pays attention to this, but am not holding my breath.

Why ISN'T there a mechanism-of-sorts that would allow the Province to take over? It's clear Hamilton's Civic Gov't is not qualified for the job, and are constantly begging (literally) McGuinty for tens-of-millions-of-dollars each year in Budgetary (Financial) Aid.

Does that not raise any red flags as to where the City's money is REALLY going!?

Please... McGuinty, ANYBODY, disolve Hamilton City Council and get some REAL representatives in our City Hall, err, Mall!

What an embarassing City... no wonder we're the lauhing stock of the entire Country!

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