Comment 33149

By Really? (registered) | Posted September 01, 2009 at 13:22:04

Great insight on gentrification, Ryan. Thanks.

I'm definately not suggesting Hamilton 'resist' gentrification, but instead encourage it! When one neighbourhood gentrifies, it usually opens up the door for the next (usually closest) neighbourhood to gentrify. Dundurn St, as an example, has had some new retail open up within the last couple of year's most likely due to Locke St's ability to attract those with more disposable income.

Of course in THIS City, I'm sure once Dundurn gentrifies enough City Planners will F it up and turn the LCBO and/or Beer Store into Big Box, or worse even, move them to some big box parking garage @ Main & Caroline!

With every 'win' in this City, it seems like we get two 'Fails'!?

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