Comment 30896

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted May 07, 2009 at 14:47:06

JonC >> all things are not equal, not even close

Okay, so do you have any way of knowing whether or not lowering tax rates would hurt government revenues? If each situation is UNIQUE and therefore completely unpredictable, aren't you simply guessing that lower tax rates would hurt city revenues.

>> there is no yes or no answer to that question

If there isn't a yes or no answer, then I suppose you don't really care as to whether or not tax rates should be lowered and government spending reduced. Is that correct?

>> I must have missed the part where this article...

Here is a snippet from said article...

"Don't worry, traffic on the six-lane local street travels at near highway speed, and you won't get slowed down behind a bus, cyclist, or pedestrian."

Does this sound familiar yet? Businesses and cars bad, zoning regulations, cyclist and public transit good. Like I said, almost every article attacks business and promotes more regulation and government spending. That's the sad reality, face up to it.

Highwater >> It's a free market of ideas! What's not to love?

I wholeheartedly believe in Ryan's freedom to do this, but the result will be that there will be less debate and more uniformity of opinion. More cheerleading and less competition.

Reuben >> the strongest ideas get pushed forth, the weakest die off.

If you believe truly this, then why do you have a problem with lower tax rates and less government interference in the economy?

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