Comment 120890

By BillDunphy (registered) - website | Posted March 08, 2017 at 00:39:14

Dear god, what is going on inside that building? What kind of culture produces officials willing to waste their lives playing such games?! A meeting is public or it is not. Period. This petty pursuit of Mr Coleman is laying bare an appalling aversion to openness at city hall. Thanks for publishing those policy details, Ryan, I find this section especially galling/appalling: "broadcasting" MAY be allowed, provided "no participants, including the parties, will be negatively impacted (for example, an individual participating as a witness may be reluctant to testify or testify fully); and (e) the privacy interests of participants will be protected." This section represents such a crippled view of our public civic life (the baseline value at work is a notion that being "public" is bad or dangerous, instead of necessary and normal) that it really needs to be challenged.

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