Comment 120397

By Haveacow (registered) | Posted November 02, 2016 at 09:10:38

The fact that heavy maintenance on their LRT lines (LRV's and the line itself) are being paid for by Metrolinx is pretty sweet deal for the TTC. Heavy maintenance costs like "bogie" or "truck" replacement and upgrades are really expensive and time consuming. Modern LRV's make the light operational maintenance, usually referred to as "PM" as in preventative maintenance, very, very easy and cheap. Just ask the TTC how expensive and complicated just the daily PM is on the existing CLRV and ALRV's in comparison to their new streetcar/LRV's. By law, the transit operator (the TTC) would have to be paying most of the daily maintenance costs anyway. What amazes me is that most of the anti LRT people in Hamilton don't realize that these every day costs, such as PM's are minor, in terms of difficulty and time compared to the heavy maintenance that must be done at regular intervals for each LRV. What is really interesting is that, once you have an experienced crew, rail vehicle maintenance becomes much cheaper and easier than the maintenance of system's bus fleet. Especially, if you have articulated buses. Articulated buses for example, can be depending on the individual transit operator, the type of service utilization and the particular bus model, a real maintenance nightmare! They are by their nature finicky vehicles whose varied and specialized designs can make them notoriously difficult and time consuming (expensive)to conduct just general maintenance work on.

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