Comment 120263

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted October 12, 2016 at 14:01:54 in reply to Comment 120262

The investment is still very small scale, very limited geographically, and some was already motivated by LRT. Very little is happening east of Wellington, or even east of John.

Few new builds have been completed (most is lower cost renovation). This recovery is still in the early stages and would obviously be negatively impacted by the city refusing a $1 billion infrastructure investment. And don't forget that this recovery is due in large part to efforts by the city to kick-start development again downtown: the residential loan program, property tax forgiveness etc.

The other point is that if the corridor achieves the sorts of densities and economic vitality we want it to, it will mean tens of thousands of new residents and tens of thousands of new jobs from McMaster to Queenston Traffic Circle.

There is just not enough road space for all these residents and workers to drive everywhere and regular buses will not be enough: we would need to build rapid transit (i.e. LRT) to handle to volumes.

Saying we don't need LRT is really saying we will not reach the densities in jobs and residents that we claim to be planning for. In other words, it is designing for failure.

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2016-10-12 14:59:13

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