Comment 115257

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted December 01, 2015 at 09:35:47

Even more important is that the development charges are also calculated on a per unit basis based on the average cost over the city, rather than a per land area basis, or at a steeply discounted value based on density. This discourages density.

Interestingly, Pamela Blais pointed out that Ontario municipalities already have the tools to impose development charges in a way that expresses the true costs of green field and infill development or low and high density development. Markham and Kitchener-Waterloo are already doing this and Hamilton could too.

Another point is that wastewater is charged proportional to consumption of tap water. This is a huge subsidy to surface parking lots and low density developments which don't have to pay for all the rainwater they dump into the sewers (that must be treated and must have a system large enough to handle it). Staff has proposed that Hamilton charge for wastewater partly on impermeable area, as many other municipalities do, but this recommendation was rejected once again by council in October.

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2015-12-01 09:36:52

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