Comment 113850

By mdrejhon (registered) - website | Posted September 11, 2015 at 19:49:10

We're starting up a citizen Hamilton LRT advocacy at and

For now, it is early. We're having someone design a new logo and website. However, we just started tweeting this month. Goals will also include helping advocate the Hamilton LRT to a soft landing, with minimum overall tension -- for citizens, for businesses, for construction, etc.

It also cover mythbusting of common LRT myths. On very common myth is the claim of being unidirectional and completely unable to detour. The modern LRT cars that Hamiltonn chose, are fully reversible (driver cabs at both ends of LRT vehicle) and can switch tracks (at crossovers) between two parallel tracks to get around obstructions. This behavior is more similar to European LRTs and Calgary C-Train, than the TTC streetcar system.

At some point in the coming months, we're going to invite citizens once the site is more set up -- for now, follow the ham_lrt Twitter account -- as we start setting things up. We're looking forward to hearing from you!

Hamilton LRT Twitter

Our future website will be

Comment edited by mdrejhon on 2015-09-11 20:02:56

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