
City Sludge

By Jason Leach
Published July 19, 2005

City council has just approved a zoning change opening the door for a new sludge plant to be built in the city's east end.

Only three years after seeing the SWARU incinerator close, the east end will essentially have another one built. Details still need to be made clear regarding emissions and the effect on surrounding neighbourhoods, but one thing is very clear. The more things change in Hamilton the more they stay the same.

Ward 4 Councilor Sam Merulla fought the proposal and is worried that the plant will reinforce Hamilton's dirty image.

Don't worry, Sam. We're doing just fine reinforcing that image with more highways, clear-cutting for more suburban sprawl, five new big box developments, aerotropolis (which is lying to us about the amount of job creation and threatening some of Canada's top growing soil), and a pork plant that has the mainstream media falling all over itself to put on a happy face regarding this announcement.

I guess they have to, considering their total support of the Red Hill project during the long debate. I mean if I didn't know any better I'd think that the Spectator owned its own homebuilding company in the burbs after seeing their horrendous coverage of that issue.

Merulla may think the sludge plant is big news in terms of our image, but unfortunately it's not. It's just one more pile of crap to add onto the heap as we supposedly 'rebrand' and 'rebuild' our once fine city.

Jason Leach was born and raised in the Hammer and currently lives downtown with his wife and children. You can follow him on twitter.

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By Warsaw apartments (anonymous) | Posted September 27, 2006 at 14:37:00

Posted 2005/07/19 |
> By: Jason Leach
I do not agree.For more info go to

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