The Osprey Media Income Fund just bought Town Media, wich publishes Hamilton Magazine.
This is the final blow to the last locally owned and operated media outlet in Hamilton. Although it moved to Burlington from Main and Longwood, Hamilton Magazine still served Hamilton with a somewhat local coverage (albeit tending more Halton oriented). It is now owned by Osprey Media, based in north Toronto, which will only hasten the distancing from Hamilton that has been happening since the move to Cooke Blvd.
CHCH TV was purchased by Toronto/Winnipeg based Canwest Global. The Hamilton Spectator (daily newspaper) and Brabant (weekly) Newspapers are owned by Toronto based Torstar. The local radio stations (Y108, K-Lite, CHAM, WAVE, CHML, and CKOC) are owned by conglomerates too, none of which are based in Hamilton. However, they tend to provide good local news coverage, particularly CHML.
CBC continues to ignore Hamilton. I never did receive a reply to the letter I sent asking CBC to establish a local presence. They must have thought I was refering to Hamilton Ohio.
CTV has a prescense in Kitchener-Waterloo, CHUM group has a London TV station, and Hamilton – Canada's seventh largest city – remains overwhelmingly underserved. Until Hamilton can be recognized as the socially, economically, demograhically, and geographically unique market that it is, it will continue to be ignored by the mainstream media.
This is where Raise the Hammer, H-Mag, Urbanicity, CATCH, 93.3 CFMU-FM, and Cable 14 come in. Local news, issues and commentary from true Hamilton sources.
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