
New Website Promotes Investing in Hamilton

By Jason Leach
Published October 03, 2007

Lost in the mad shuffle over the Hamilton Never series and the Mayor's fabulous ideas for Gore Park and light rail is this nice little piece of news from City Hall: the introduction of a new website highlighting the benefits of investing in Hamilton.

After a quick browse through this site I have to give it two thumbs up. I've long believed that the city does a lousy job of promoting itself.

The tourism department doesn't seem to know what they're doing and I've never seen a nifty ad promoting our city in any of the GTA daily papers or on billboards along the QEW or Gardiner. It's encouraging that the site is already highlighting positive reviews of Hamilton [PDF] from external sources.

There is so much Hamilton has to offer in the "quality of life" department for CEOs and employees to consider a move here, but nobody knows about us. This website is a great start and will hopefully develop into other high quality modes of promoting our city into the GTA.

Jason Leach was born and raised in the Hammer and currently lives downtown with his wife and children. You can follow him on twitter.


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