
German Town Strips Streets and Goes Naked

By Ben Bull
Published September 17, 2007

Germany's international broadcaster, Deutsche Welle reports that the town of Bohmte in Germany and Drachten in Holland have begun experimenting with the removal of all traffic signage in an attempt to decrease congestion and reduce accidents.

The initiative was promoted by transport planner Hans Monderman and is supported by the German Transport Industry.

"Many road signs are only put up so that we are covered for insurance purposes and not necessarily because they provide the driver with useful information," said Jorg Hennerkes from the German Ministry.

"When you don't exactly know who has right of way, you tend to seek eye contact with other road users," explained Monderman. "You automatically reduce your speed, you have contact with other people and you take greater care."

Sounds like good fodder for the ongoing street safety debates taking place all over RTH.

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Ben Bull lives in downtown Toronto. He's been working on a book of short stories for about 10 years now and hopes to be finished tomorrow. He also has a movie blog.


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