The Hamilton Spectator just carried an excellent article about Mary Soderstrom, the author of a new book that highlights 11 cities around the world that have integrated lush greenery into their industrial designs.
In her book, Green City: People, Nature & Urban Places, Hamilton is included as one of the 11, specifically for our fabulous protected lands along the harbour, Cootes Paradise, as well as the plethora of gardens that burst with flowers and veggies in literally every neighbourhood of this city.
The Spec article includes a brief interview with Mary Soderstrom, and RTH will review the book in an upcoming issue. She will be reading excerpts of her book on January 29 at the Burlington Central Library.
Again, referring back to Richard Gilbert's recommendations in his "Electric City" report, Hamilton has a great opportunity to knock the socks off of everyone who still views us as a rusty industrial city.
More importantly, his report paves the way for a renewed and booming economy. We got rich by destroying the environment. Now it's time to get rich by becoming a green leader in Canada.
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