
Would a Reverse Tachyon Pulse Work?

By Jason Leach
Published January 08, 2007

A November 14, 2006 letter from the Downtown Hamilton BIA to City Council articlulates its vision for the south leg of King Street [PDF] next to Gore Park.

The BIA also wishes to clarify its position regarding the permanent closure of the south leg of King Street. Our members have clearly voiced their opposition to such an initiative rather [sic] they would prefer to see the south leg as an eastward flowing street for vehicular traffic, properly reconnected to the north leg of King Street at or near John Street. We also feel there is a need for additional on street parking. The south leg of King lends itself to angular parking.

Apparently the downtown BIA believes that if the traffic flows eastbound instead of westbound on the south leg of the Gore, we'll see shops and cafes boom to life to take advantage of the reverse emissions flow.

Amazing...and we wonder why downtown is stuck in its current state.

Jason Leach was born and raised in the Hammer and currently lives downtown with his wife and children. You can follow him on twitter.


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