Reviews - Fringe 2019

Hamilton for Beginners

By Julian Nicholson
Published July 27, 2019

Hamilton For Beginners, with Hamilton Spectator reporter Mark McNeil, is a pleasant, undemanding way to spend twenty minutes.

Mr. McNeil has an easygoing charm as he tells stories and sings songs about Hamilton and its history, supplanted by pictures projected on a screen behind him. He plays the ukele and tells us stories of a Hamilton many of us missed. Who knew McMaster has some of Einstein's brain stored away?

The performance is unpolished, with Mark referring to notes frequently, but that doesn't take away from the enjoyment of this fun show. Not a must see, but worth a visit between other shows.

Julian Nicholson is an actor, writer, and director and has participated in the Hamilton Fringe for many years. Julian has been acting since he attended McMaster in the 1980s, and has extensive experience in professional, alternative, and little theatre. He is also a full member of ACTRA.


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