Reviews - Fringe 2019

Izzy and the Naz

By Julian Nicholson
Published July 24, 2019

Izzy and The Naz, with Izzy Ferguson and Briane Nasimok, is two men taking turns telling stories. It's like having a dinner conversation with two interesting friends, except you don't say a word and just listen to them talk.

The stories loosely revolve around love, of people or pastimes, and are told with a gentle sense of self reflection that draws you in, knowing there's nothing here that's going to upset you.

An hour spent with these two is a perfect dessert to some of the more intense shows at this venue. Watching Monster and then going to this show would be a weirdly interesting double bill.

Izzy and Naz was a last-minute addition to the Fringe, and it would have been a shame if these two didn't bring this show to Hamilton. Beyond this, there's not much for a reviewer to say, except go and listen to these two men, you'll feel better for it.

Julian Nicholson is an actor, writer, and director and has participated in the Hamilton Fringe for many years. Julian has been acting since he attended McMaster in the 1980s, and has extensive experience in professional, alternative, and little theatre. He is also a full member of ACTRA.


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