Reviews - Fringe 2017

Fringe 2017 Review: Stupefied

By Arthur Bullock
Published July 26, 2017

Stupefy: to astonish and shock someone, or make them unable to think or feel properly. It is an entertaining word to use, and with so many synonyms for roughly the same name, it really comes down to the tone the word conveys. For Paul Hutcheson, "stupefied" is the perfect word to describe his own brand of astonishment, and his show is all about the myriad of things that stupefy him.

Hutcheson uses the format of a stand-up comedy routine, using an enthusiastic, flamboyant style of delivery that capitalizes on his sharp wit. Half the fun of the show is simply watching him perform, and his personality alone makes the show a joy to experience.

Taboo subjects are discussed during the show, but Paul Hutcheson confronts every one of them with fearless energy. Any sense of embarrassment at having them brought up seems to vanish, partially due to the open, accepting way in which he deals with them. The question often posed is: why do we get so uncomfortable when we talk about these things?

I am very glad that a show discussing these subjects exists, especially when it is done through the Fringe. I love the way Hutcheson makes people feel comfortable hearing about things that might otherwise be awkward conversation topics. If you come and see Stupefied, I can practically guarantee you'll be laughing throughout the performance.


Arthur Bullock is a graduate of Communication Studies at McMaster University. As a reviewer, he combines his two favourite hobbies: theatre and writing.

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By RP (registered) | Posted July 28, 2017 at 08:48:31

Could not agree more with the review; a very funny comedian, had our audience laughing throughout a very fun hour and we would highly recommend the show.

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