Well, what does happen in the back room? For a short play, this was quite thought provoking. Yes, there was some mature content, but no vulgarity.
The basic set design shows a small tiered stand stage left with coffee supplies on it and a small desk stage right, with an exit upstage centre.
The play opens and we find a young couple who are dating who happen to work in the same location. Annie and Johnathon have big dreams but those dreams seem to be shattered when our heroine is subjected to something in the back room.
Her supercharged boyfriend, relatively new to the company, has just been given a really fancy offer of a better job with a generous increase in salary. Is the new job offer a bribe or a legitimate offer?
Annie and Johnathon share some really frank talk about sexism in the workplace and other concerns.
If you want to know if Johnathon’s job offer is a bribe, or a legitimate offer, you shall have to be brave and find out for yourself what happens in the back room.
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