A performer needs a very special kind of charisma to successfully pull off a one person show, and Christel Bartelse is fully up to the challenge in her solo show ONEymoon.
Bartrlse's incredible ability and confidence are immediately evident at the start of the show. Not only is this due to her talent, but to the amount of time she has been working material and format. ONEymoon is an amalgam of the original version from 2010 and elements of her 2012 Hamilton Fringe show/sequel Significant Me, along with new material.
The play begins as all honeymoons begin, with a wedding ... of sorts. As things in life can take unexpected turns, so does the ceremony.
Bartlese's wit and charm leaves you with little choice but to laugh and root for her character. She makes us fall in love a little bit with her self-absorbed creation. The energy expended taking us along on her journey is impressive. There are no lulls or downtime here, and Bartrlse is all-out pedal to the metal for the whole show.
This often gut-bustingly hilarious show also has a lovely heart within it. In closing, you will never be able to look at tap-dancing quite the same again!
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