10/10/10 was an enthralling, exciting delight for me.
I was unsure of what to expect, considering the actual process of putting the show together was one of its stars. 10 writers, 10 composers and 10 choreographers were all given a very simple idea to work around. The artists all contributed work, without ever talking to one and other.
The director’s job was to weave these separate pieces of into a tapestry of sound, story, light and movement. It is a beautifully realized experiment in the end.
The performers commit fully to their roles, I was reminded of just how much of dance is transmitted with the face as well as the body. A beautiful balance of Avant guard and approachable is achieved throughout the play.
The program explains each short act for anyone intimidated by some of the very abstract aspects of 10/10/10, however I’d recommend trusting the Director’s steady hand and reading the synopsis after the play.
With so much movement and pacing changes, every bit of the ample stage is used. The churning nature of the movement and storytelling on stage causes time in 10/10/10 to pass very quickly, and time is of the essence in this one.
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