You've probably already heard of this by now, but it's worth posting for posterity (no pun intended): the international arts magazine Blouin Artinfo has just published a list of 15 "hot new neighbourhoods you need to know" around the globe. The list includes hotspots in Hong Kong, Paris, London, New Delhi, and ... James Street North in Hamilton.
Noting the "grassroots-led cultural revitalization" and the monthly Art Crawl, the article credits James North with "bringing an arty edge to [Hamilton's] steel mills and smokestack-lined skyline.
Here is the full list of neighbourhoods:
By rednic (registered) | Posted September 20, 2013 at 21:55:14
positive article & no comments but people on this site aren't cynics .....
The cynicism of native Hamiltonians',about what is possible and what will happen is the best advantage for the Toronto refugees like me ...
If you have credit BUY LAND if you can't afford james north look at barton...
This is the new junction,kensington, Dovercourt&argyle ... Move fast or STFU....
I'll repost in 8 years ...
By newtothis (anonymous) | Posted October 12, 2013 at 18:19:09 in reply to Comment 92403
Torontian with an interest in Hamilton here...
Curious to see you've listed Barton as an area of interest, care to explain? And do you mean Barton E or W of James? Aside from intersecting james n. it doesn't seem that desirable as it has few heritage buildings, a neglected streetscape and is home to a prison. Then again, perhaps google maps is out of date and my memory's wonky on the issue.
By Today (anonymous) | Posted September 21, 2013 at 11:37:57
While I can appreciate what an "arty edge" might mean as a label for a neighbourhood, I think an equally appealing label for many including myself would be a "living edge" which could include art but also other aspects such as room for kids to play in local parks and fields etc.
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