Light Rail

HLR Calls on Province to Commit to LRT

By RTH Staff
Published June 15, 2010

Local advocacy group Hamilton Light Rail has just launched a campaign calling on the Ontario Government to make a firm commitment to light rail in Hamilton. In a press release issued today, HLR writes:

LRT has tremendous potential to transform Hamilton into a great success story for provincial investment in urban revitalization. If the Province makes the right choice, this will achieve a showcase win for its innovative Metrolinx strategy.

Delaying Hamilton's LRT is denying Hamiltonians and Ontarians the social and economic benefits that LRT will bring. Each year of delay costs millions in unrealized benefits, and repeated delays could eventually kill the project. Hamilton has been considering LRT since 1970; the time for studies is over.

Now is the time for the Province to recognize the essential role of high quality rapid transit in Hamilton and commit the funding and political focus to achieve a real win for Hamilton and for the province.

HLR is calling on its members to send a letter to Queen's Park to express their support for LRT and ask the Province to commit to funding and time lines.


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By Ruffa (anonymous) | Posted June 17, 2010 at 15:42:27

I totally support it!

LRT for Hamilton

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By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted June 17, 2010 at 20:50:32

>> LRT has tremendous potential to transform Hamilton into a great success story for provincial investment in urban revitalization.

How would it do this?

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By z jones (registered) | Posted June 17, 2010 at 21:59:36

^Dude just give up. No one even reads your shit any more.

Comment edited by z jones on 2010-06-17 20:59:51

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By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted June 17, 2010 at 23:29:26

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By zookeeper (registered) | Posted June 17, 2010 at 23:36:51

Honestly Jones you're best just to ignore it.

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By BobInnes (registered) - website | Posted June 20, 2010 at 15:19:43

I'm having trouble making up my mind on LRT, except, being a (probable) direct beneficiary, I suppose i should support it. Having you make my life better sounds like a good idea, no?

But the Province is more or less broke and i'm given to understand they are always bailing out Toronto (also broke) while ignoring legit Hamilton woes such as underfunded social liabilities. If we and/ or the province were flush, this would be a no brainer go-ahead but given the debt(and consequent tax) winds a-blowin, I'm not so sure, despite Portland's apparent success. Does the success claimed from functionality or mere optics? At the very least, we need good discussion not idiotic catcalls on A.Smith's cautionary questions. When logic is overtaken by boosterism, which I see as driven by hopeful profitmongers, the taxpayer quickly gets screwed. That is how I'm interpreting such uninformative responses. Feel free to downvote, I'm trying for a record and only have about -7 so far.

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