Until now, visitors to Raise the Hammer had to create a free RTH account to post comments to articles or blog entries. Starting this week, visitors will also have the option of posting comments anonymously, without creating an account first.
To block spam robots (automated programs that log onto webpages and post unsolicited commercial messages), the anonymous posting form asks a "human-testing question". This is a simple math problem written in such a way that any person with grade school math can solve it easily, but robots cannot (we hope).
We will monitor how people use the anonymous posting tool to ensure it is not being abused. If you find a message that you consider offensive, or if you have any comments or suggestions for this feature, please let us know.
We still recommend that you create an account so you can receive regular email updates. Creating an account also allows you the option of including your email address and/or homepage when you post comments.
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