You could call this show bipolar. When this show is funny, up you go to enjoy the comedy. When it deals with the issues of people living with the debilitating aspects of bipolar disorder, the play slips downward and becomes didactic and sombre.
Jasmine Platt (well-played by Michelle Mainwaring) is a stand-up comedienne with bipolar disorder who uses her up-phases as her engine for creativity. Jasmine charts a dangerous course to maintain the high by stopping her meds and risking the consequences.
The play is written by Jason Gale, who also plays Jasmine's patient and supportive husband, believably, though he is a less seasoned performer.
The frequent blackouts slow the pace unnecessarily.
By Jazz (anonymous) | Posted July 23, 2009 at 02:44:27
Thank you Judith for your review. We are very grateful for all the reviews and for all the volunteers who came out to see the shows and helped out with the Fringe. At HTI we had the sincere pleasure of having Laura assigned to our venue and she has been an absolute delight.
We met with our director on Tuesday and had a nice polishing and tightened up the pace. Thank you again for coming out to see our show.
Michelle Mainwaring and Jason Gale, respectfully
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