Silver bells, silver bells
It's Christmas time in the suburbs
Ring-a-ling, cell phones ring
In grating ringtones that they play
Empty sidewalks
Missing sidewalks
Lots of wide, high-speed lanes
In the air, there's a stink of exhaust fumes
Children sitting
In the back seat
Stuck for mile after mile
And there are no street corners to hear
Silver bells, silver bells
It's Christmas time in the suburbs
Ring-a-ling, checkouts ring
The promise of more bills to pay
String of brake lights
Traffic stoplights
Flashing red more than green
As the huge neon billboards pass slowly
Here the tires crunch
Mickey D's lunch
With a styrofoam sheen
Inside three-car garages you'll fear
Silver bells, silver bells
It's Christmas time in the suburbs
Ring-a-ling, alarm clock rings
The rest of your life starts today
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