Here's a problem: what do you pay attention to when the actors are yelling their lines, at nobody in particular, and hurtling through them as if they can't wait to get offstage?
Oh, gosh. Now, I know that Martha Zimmerman and Chris Bancroft are experienced actors, with all the necessary chops, but whoa there. Hey, Mister Director, tell them to take it easy. Take a moment to figure out what you are going to say next, since you shouldn't already know it.
But then, the play has an inevitability, line after line, that doesn't offer much opportunity to explore and surprise. I kept wishing for more since I knew they could do it.
And as for paying attention, I start to worry about the set, the layout of the performance space, the lighting hang...
By Sal (anonymous) | Posted July 20, 2009 at 09:33:49
You must be having a very bad day, Ms Sandiford! We are talking about intelligent characters in a comedy here. You want 'em to "ponder" and "plod" before speaking? This is a delightful play played with relish, exuberance, and fun! It ain't Tennessee Williams ... but so what? I would recommend it to my best friend. In fact, I've already seen it with him ... and he loved it!! I think most people will!
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