Reviews - Fringe 2009

Love Shack

By Amanda N. Nesbitt
Published July 18, 2009

Michael Wilmot's Love Shack is a comedic look at what goes on behind closed doors between two married people engaging in a secret affair. It's a "one afternoon stand" as it were.

From the playful set up to the hit pop tune (not surprisingly) to the exploration of the insecurities of Sarah and the eagerness of Brandon, this play engages the audience in witty observations about sex, fantasy and the seduction of the opposite sex.

Actors Martha Zimmerman and Chris Bancroft give humourous and light-hearted performances as Sarah and Brandon, questioning everything from cockroaches to their significant others and the end result is unexpected and refreshing. Bancroft is especially strong in his delivery, with rapid fire wit and great comedic timing.

While it seems to play out for an older crowd, Love Shack definitely brings a smile to your face and provides a realistic dynamic between two people "lookin' for the love getaway." Don't miss it!

Amanda N. Nesbitt is a McMaster graudate with a double major in English/History and a minor in Theatre and Film Studies. An avid writer/photographer, she thrives being a part of Hamilton's theatre/arts movement and has been very active in the theatre community since 2003. Writing for the Fringe marks her third year participating with this amazing group of people that make up the festival and she hopes you enjoy the shows. Thank you for promoting the arts!


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