
Hamilton Without Steel? on The Agenda

By RTH Staff
Published May 22, 2009

The TVO website has now posted the video of last night's program, Hamilton Without Steel?


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By nobrainer (registered) | Posted May 22, 2009 at 12:24:59

On the one hand, I'm glad they covered some of the good things happening in Hamilton (instead of just the same old Torontocentric Hamilton bashing) but at the same time it felt like a group of rich old white business leaders congratulating themselves on how good a job they're doing running the city.

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By race_to_the_bottom (anonymous) | Posted May 22, 2009 at 12:31:55

Glad to see Jeremy Freiburger on the show, he was a breath of fresh air next to the overstuffed CEOs. What the show needed was more grassroots representation to counterbalance the institutional tilt. Still, echo ^nobrainer on it being nice to hear something good about Hamilton in the media.

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By jason (registered) | Posted May 22, 2009 at 12:47:19

Not bad, but they didn't prepare well enough IMO. Their camera man should have filmed the Gore area, Hess, James North, the west harbour, Locke etc....

The video footage was lacklustre.

Also, the title of the show would have made for a perfect introduction into some of the new uses our old industrial buildings are enjoying such as the Imperial Cotton Centre, PaperBox Studio, Pearl Company etc......

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By jason (registered) | Posted May 22, 2009 at 14:48:50

they should have had Ryan, Dave Kuruc and some others on the show as well.

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By hunter (anonymous) | Posted May 22, 2009 at 14:59:40

I agree someone from RTH or Dave Kuruc could have done better than some of the guests. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either.

And the video/photos were inexcusably crap. What was that, a video of a bus? Why not Locke street or a panorama of entering the city via York?

I agree with one of the emailers to the show, that if you enter Hamilton from anywhere else but the Skyway, you'll be sold. That's what happened to me...

Interesting that LRT and Pan Am weren't mentioned once. Maybe because they're not finalized?

Raise the hammer.

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By schmadrian (registered) | Posted May 22, 2009 at 16:39:09

Looking forward to viewing this, the comments notwithstanding.

Hamilton without steel? Well, my vision has the entire Burlington Street industrial strip reclaimed, and the most beautiful recreational waterfront in the world established.

Because you just...can't...go...backwards.

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By Damien (anonymous) | Posted May 23, 2009 at 01:24:03

I know this is a long stretch, but there are few things I would like to see replace stelco.

1. shipping / container port
2. relocate the airport
3. a fast ferry / hovercraft service from hamilton to toronto.

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By same old blah, blah ,blah (anonymous) | Posted May 23, 2009 at 06:30:50

There was references made to the economic summits held here but what they fail to tell people is the voices that have been silenced and ignored, those of the people.

Mr CEO of Hamilton Health, failed to discuss the many issues around poverty and health that is a major issue in this city for the many that struggle.

They failed to discuss to hierarchical system that affects the many the struggle looking for work and how the system itself is a detriment to those that struggle.

There are many in the city that are very vocal about bringing change to this city, to bring dignity and quality of live to those that struggle, too bad none of these guests actually focused on any of theses issues.

Again those who have money speak while those who struggle are silenced.

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By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted May 23, 2009 at 22:13:45

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