
Hamilton's LeE HARVeY OsMOND on YouTube

By Ted Mitchell
Published May 01, 2009

Resident scary-looking but harmless musician Tom Wilson has a must check-out Youtube channel:

Wilson has an impressive solo resume as well as playing with the groups Junkhouse, Blackie and the Rodeo Kings, and collaborations with Bob Lanois and an upcoming album is rumoured with Colin James.

His latest band is LeE HARVeY OsMOND (I have no idea why the caps are like that) as described on MySpace:

LeE HARVey OsMOND is Tom Wilson, some of the Cowboy Junkies, a few Skydiggers, Ray Farrugia from Junkhouse, Brent Titcomb and a lot of groove.

These three videos are a must see for their Hamilton content alone. Just one question: who's the dancing fool?

Ted Mitchell is a Hamilton resident, emergency physician and sometimes agitator who recently completed a BEng at McMaster University. He is fascinated by aspects of our culture that are harmful, but avoid serious public discussion.


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