
Hamilton Citizens Group

By Jason Leach
Published January 30, 2005

See this article for a summary of the first meeting of the newly formed Hamilton Citizens Group. Much was accomplished in their first meeting and, as you'll see, there is a need for citizens to volunteer for several new committees that have been formed.

There is also information about Coalition of Progressive Electors (COPE). This is a British Columbia-based citizens group that has become a vital part of the local political process in Vancouver. The Hamilton Citizens Group is looking to start a similar venture here in Hamilton for the purpose of bringing change to our political structure and process. Citizens pay the bills and salaries, but have very little say in the decision-making process at City Hall.

Sure, we can vote every three years, but even then we are not given proper information to make an educated vote. Many of us believe what we read/hear in the local media about the various candidates and despite the media's best efforts to present facts, the real fact is that the lines get blurred, the facts gets blurred and therefore our perspective and decision on who to vote for gets blurred.

The Hamilton Citizens Group hopes to help alleviate this problem by becoming a source of information on the various candidates who run for office and thereby help you and I make a more informed decision.

In the meantime, another local group, called Citizens at City Hall (CATCH) has formed and become a great source of information regarding the various topics of discussion and decisions that are made at Hamilton City Hall. Check out their website and sign up for regular email updates with info on upcoming meetings as well as information regarding major decisions being discussed or made by our city council.

Let's all work together for the good of our city and help create a bright future in Hamilton.

Jason Leach was born and raised in the Hammer and currently lives downtown with his wife and children. You can follow him on twitter.


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