
Same Old (Four) Storey

By Jason Leach
Published September 02, 2005

You know you live in a completely boring town when you have nothing better to do than complain about someone wanting to build a condo building in your neighbourhood.

Once again, Hamilton's suburban NIMBYers are at it, this time in Ancaster, where residents are complaining about the height of a proposed condo on Wilson Street.

What is the proposed size? Not 40 stories. Not 20 stories. Not even five stories. A measly four storey building is what we are talking about.

I'd like to know where all these 'concerned residents' were when the Meadowlands was paved over with huge parking lots and ugly warehouses (some people call them stores)?

Heaven forbid a residential project get built in Ancaster that actually has some density to it. There might even be signs of human life on Wilson Street if that were to happen.

Jason Leach was born and raised in the Hammer and currently lives downtown with his wife and children. You can follow him on twitter.


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