
Bike Racks on Buses a Huge Success

By Thom Oommen
Published October 14, 2008

For one day this summer HSR operators were asked to track the number of bikes carried on bike racks. On Thursday August 21, 109 riders loaded bikes on buses' racks.

An HSR bus carries a bicycle (RTH file photo)

These staggering numbers far exceeded what the HSR expected and are unmatched by other municipalities offering bike racks on their transit systems.

According to the HSR, "the #22/23/24 Upper Ottawa, Upper Gage and Upper Sherman routes, the #1 King, #27 Upper James, #25/26 Upper Wentworth - Upper Wellington routes, #5 Delaware route and #2 Barton route seem to be the most popular routes for traveling with a bicycle."

Buses are carrying bikes in all parts of the city and many riders seem to be using them to get up and down the escarpment, once considered a formidable barrier to cycling.

The bike rack audit will be repeated in October with students now back in school. The numbers may be even higher than seen this sumer. As with last year, the HSR is planning on leaving the bike racks on all winter giving cyclists and transit users even more options to get out of their cars.

Thom Oommen is passionate about building truly sustainable communities. But far from technological solutions and other flights of fancy, he believes that the only way to build a just and ecologically responsible community is to embrace frugality and simplicity. He is currently focusing on actively learning the skills that will enable him and his community to face an unknown future with a measure of confidence. Check out his blog.

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By Yakima Double Down 4 (anonymous) | Posted May 02, 2011 at 23:19:36

I've heard our town will adapt the concept of bike racks on buses. I hope they'll choose Yakima Double Down 4 over the other bike rack brands because I myself tried and proven Yakima bike racks to be safe and efficient.

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