Light Rail

Council Approves Rapid Transit Phase 2

By RTH Staff
Published June 26, 2008

Amid all the excitement at last night's meeting, City Council voted to approve the staff recommendation to move the rapid transit initiative to phase 2 with an emphasis on light rail and a sense of urgency about the deadline to be included in the first five year Metrolinx budget.

The recommendation was approved unanimously at last week's public works committee meeting and referred to last night's full council meeting for approval.

This news comes as support for light rail continues to build. The most recent organization to endorse light rail was the McMaster Students Union, which expressed unanimous support for a light rail system to be constructed as quickly as possible.

An editorial in the Hamilton Spectator this past Tuesday also endorsed light rail, encouraging the city to "strike while the iron is hot."


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By jason (registered) | Posted June 29, 2008 at 08:23:30

having lived in a similar sized North American city that went with LRT and seeing the ridiculous effects on the urban core and neighbourhoods, I am pumped about this. Hamilton must do this, and do it right. We've got almost 30 lanes of east/west traffic on major streets downtown. Losing a couple for LRT would be not only easy to manage, but bring a slight balance to our transportation system. The future belongs along the LRT lines!

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By Cityjoe (anonymous) | Posted July 04, 2008 at 13:22:23

And all it took was the price of gas skyrocketing to get people on the right/same page. :-(

I mean I'd Like to think that it was forward thinking & common sense but....????????????

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