Articles in Federal Election 2015

Federal Election Sweeps Liberals into Majority
The Liberal Party under Justin Trudeau managed to galvanize Canadians eager for a change from nine years of Conservative rule into a majority of seats in the House of Commons.
by Ryan McGreal
Published October 20, 2015 in Federal Election 2015 (39 comments)

Bratina Has Makings of a Good Backbencher
Given his track record as Mayor of Hamilton, he has the potential to make a good backbench Member of Parliament as long as he holds his tendency to manufacture drama in check.
by Ryan McGreal
Published August 28, 2014 in Federal Election 2015 (18 comments)

Applying a Social Inclusion Lens to Electoral Boundary Changes in Hamilton
As long as concentration of poverty exists, residents living in these neighbourhoods remain a community of interest that should be considered when electoral boundaries are set.
by Sara Mayo
Published November 23, 2012 in Federal Election 2015 (17 comments)

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