Articles from June, 2020

July 1 An Opportunity to Reflect on Canada's Unreconciled Genocidal Legacy
On July 1, take time to reflect on how Canada can move forward from its racist and exclusionary past to create an inclusive, caring country.
by Doreen Nicoll
Published June 30, 2020 in Healing Gaia (3 comments)

Statement on the Termination of the Police Liaison Program
Why are we paying $171 million this year to fund a police service that has an established and ongoing history of violence against the most vulnerable in this city, instead of directing those funds towards the organizations that are engaging in survivor-ce
by HWDSB Kids Need Help
Published June 30, 2020 in Special Report: Anti-Racism (1 comment)

Joint Statement Supporting Call to Defund Police and Prioritize Investment in Community Safety and Well-Being
Defunding means prioritizing investments into health, housing, education and social development to address our code red crisis in Hamilton.
by Nrinder Nann and Maureen Wilson
Published June 18, 2020 in Special Report: Anti-Racism (1 comment)

Time to Defund Hamilton Police
Yet year in and year out, the police continue to gobble up budget money, continue to be plagued with scandals, and continue to prove themselves to be hostile to anyone standing up and challenging the corrupt status quo.
by Rick Wyman
Published June 17, 2020 in Special Report: Anti-Racism (1 comment)

Collins' Police Budget Stunt is Cynical Anti-Leadership
Anti-leaders don't just fail to lead, they go beyond failure to actively undermine, obstruct and sabotage efforts at leadership.
by Ryan McGreal
Published June 16, 2020 in Special Report: Anti-Racism (2 comments)

Trudeau's Pandemic Disability Plan is Just Not Good Enough
The ineffectiveness of Trudeau's COVID-19 disability plan is the product of a sytsem that has, for decades, failed to provide for and protect some of our most vulnerable citizens.
by Stewart Klazinga
Published June 12, 2020 in Special Report: COVID-19 (0 comments)

Pride in Hamilton: An Independent Review into the Events Surrounding Hamilton Pride 2019
Read the executive summary of the independent review into the events and the Hamilton Police Service response.
by RTH Staff
Published June 08, 2020 in Special Report: Extremism (0 comments)

Don't Be So Quick to Dismiss the 'Defund the Police' Argument
The defund argument is about our priorities as a society. Do we favour harm reduction or retribution? Do we seek to support people in crisis or punish them?
by Ryan McGreal
Published June 04, 2020 in Special Report: Anti-Racism (1 comment)

ACCA Statement on Anti-Black Racism and the Killing of George Floyd
In too many communities in our country, African Canadians experience racism that is manifested in racial profiling, high unemployment, under-employment, health disparity outcomes and the overrepresentation of African Canadian children in child welfare sys
by RTH Staff
Published June 04, 2020 in Special Report: Anti-Racism (0 comments)

Time to Rethink Policing
Do police responsibilities need to be as wide as they are? Do they actually currently do all of it as well as humanly possible? Could their huge budgets be better invested elsewhere?
by Karen Burson
Published June 03, 2020 in Special Report: Anti-Racism (1 comment)

Public Inquiry vs. Independent Commission
The Ontario government has announced an 'independent commission' into the state of Long Term Care homes, but only a legally-defined public inquiry can provide the transparency and accountability this crisis demands.
by Eric Coleman
Published June 02, 2020 in Special Report: COVID-19 (0 comments)

Spectator Needs Higher Standards for Published Letters
Our daily paper should turn the letters to the editor into something that can convey the diversity of considered opinion and interpretation of facts in this city.
by Brett Lintott
Published June 02, 2020 in Anniversary Party (4 comments)

There Are No Neutral Bystanders to White Supremacism
It is impossible to be neutrally or passively not-racist in a racist system. You are either working to dismantle the racist system or else you are supporting the continuation of that system.
by Ryan McGreal
Published June 02, 2020 in Special Report: Anti-Racism (2 comments)

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