There are a number of practical ways you can help advocate to save the Wesley Day Centre and establish a permanent safe injection site over the coming week, starting today.
By Nicole Smith
Published June 19, 2019
For many of us, one of the worst parts about watching something catastrophic happen to our community like the imminent closing of the Wesley Day Centre is the terrible feeling of helplessness that can overtake one. There is so little time, and it appears that decisions have already been made, so is there anything you or I can do?
In this case, there are a number of practical ways you can help advocate to save the Wesley Day Centre and establish a permanent safe injection site over the coming week, beginning with today!
Familiarize yourself with some reasons why it is vital that the Day Centre continue by reading articles such as this one by Dr. Jill Wiwcharuk in RTH.
Sign up as "going" or "interested" for the rally at City Hall on Tuesday, June 25 at noon, and share the heck out of the event on Facebook and Twitter, and by emailing or talking to friends and colleagues.
Endorse the open letter to Mayor Fred Eisenberger and Council, either as a concerned individual Hamiltonian or on behalf of a community group you lead.
Attend and/or share information about the meeting of the Emergency and Community Services (formerly Healthy and Safe Communities) committee at City Hall Council Chambers, 2nd floor, on Thursday June 20, at 1:30 PM, where Dr Jill and others will be delegating about the closing of the Wesley Day Centre. You can see the agenda here (the delegations are item 6).
Come to the rally on June 25, noon at City Hall, or if you can't attend, direct others to it on the day via social media attention and your personal networks. Again, here is the link for the Facebook event.
We are not powerless. There is much that we can do collectively when the will to act decisively together is there. Let's do this!
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