The Awards are intended to recognize Hamilton gardeners for their contribution to a to a bio-diverse, sustainable environment.
By Beatrice Ekwa Ekoko
Published May 01, 2017
Do you garden for nature? Does your patch of earth include habitat for bees and butterflies and other pollinators? Then you are invited to apply to the Hamilton Monarch Awards (since 2016)!
Originating with a group of volunteers from the Crown Point Garden Club and staff from the Royal Botanical Gardens, and the Pollinator Paradise Project, whose goal it is to build a pollinator corridor across the city, the Awards are intended to recognize Hamilton gardeners for their contribution to a to a bio-diverse, sustainable environment.
Urban spaces have the potential to support large numbers of pollinators - a very important conservation issue since pollinator populations are declining rapidly world wide.
Last year, due to lack of resources, the Awards were only offered to wards 1 to 4. This year, properties in wards 1-10 and 13 (Dundas) are eligible. Gardens must be residential, not on business or commercial properties.
Entrants do not need to own the property but do need to be primary person responsible for how the gardens look and function.
A winner and finalists will be chosen based on judges' scores over six criteria categories that include the following:
All applicants will receive a free "we are feeding pollinators" sign, courtesy of the Pollinator Paradise Project.
Please visit the Monarch Awards website for competition details and rules.
Entry deadline is midnight, Sunday, June 18, 2017. Good luck!
Hamilton Pollinator Project
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