The CNA has lent its support to the city's LRT plan, even as Council wavers on whether to keep its commitment.
By RTH Staff
Published March 31, 2017
The Central Neighbourhood Association (CNA) has sent a letter to Ward 2 Councillor Jason Farr to lend its support for the city's Light Rail Transit (LRT) plan, which is suddenly under threat from a council that lacks the courage of its convictions.
The CNA is bounded by Main, James, Queen and Stuart Streets, and will be directly affected by the LRT project. The association writes, "As members of a neighbourhood that is undergoing rapid revitalization in the downtown core and is seeing firsthand the number of intensification projects throughout our neighbourhood, it is imperative that we increase public transit that will support intensification and the growing populations that live in and travel along the transit line."
The letter also notes that the entire city will benefit from LRT "as as development brings increased taxes revenue as well as increased cultural and economic activity."
Following is the full text of the letter:
The Central Neighbourhood Association
March 27, 2017
Dear Councillor Farr,
It has come to our attention that an amendment to the Environmental Project Report (EPR) for the Hamilton Light Rail Transit (LRT) plan will be voted upon at the March 28th, 2017 Council Meeting.
The Central Neighbourhood Association strongly urges you to support this amendment and move the LRT plan forward in a timely fashion.
As members of a neighbourhood that is undergoing rapid revitalization in the downtown core and is seeing firsthand the number of intensification projects throughout our neighbourhood, it is imperative that we increase public transit that will support intensification and the growing populations that live in and travel along the transit line.
It is our opinion that the Light Rail Transit line will continue to bolster regeneration along the transit corridor and along feeder streets in the lower city. Regeneration that the whole of the city will see the benefit from, as development brings increased taxes revenue as well as increased cultural and economic activity.
Sincerely, Central Neighbourhood Association Executive
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