
Steer Clear of Red Hill

I felt pretty polarized right from the get-go after checking out the site.

By Letter to the Editor
Published January 14, 2005

To the Editor:

Great idea. This city definitely needs a group whose goal is to make the city "a more vibrant, livable, and attractive place to live and work."

That being said, I should let you know that I felt pretty "polarized" right from the get-go after checking out the site. I'm interested in keeping up with Raise the Hammer, but if you want to bring Hamiltonians together, it might be best to steer clear of the Red Hill issue altogether and possibly avoid making snide remarks about our mayor, factual as they may be. Articles like this aren't great when the goal for the project is non-partisanship.

But besides that, I think this is a really great idea, kudos for getting something started. Hamilton definitely needs it.

Sean Roberts
Hamilton ON

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