Sherman Hub supports city's LRT plan and wants to see a station added at Gage Park.
By RTH Staff
Published July 18, 2016
The Sherman Hub Community Planning Team has written the following letter to Hamilton City Council to express its support for the city's light rail transit (LRT) plan. The Team write that LRT "is a progressive move forward" and that "the benefits to our community and the greater Hamilton community will far outweigh" the difficulty of the construction phase.
The letter also argues that the LRT system should include a stop at Gage Park, a significant destination and community asset.
Following is the text of the letter.
The Sherman Hub Community Planning Team, sponsored and supported by the Hamilton Community Foundation and the City of Hamilton, is a group of engaged, informed and active citizens in the Hamilton community. We have hundreds of resident volunteers working to make the Sherman Hub a great place to live, work and raise a family.
We've had several discussions about the proposed LRT at our monthly planning meetings. During our meeting on June 6, 2016, 25 voting members of our planning team voted unanimously to publicly express our support for the city's LRT initiative.
Many residents in the Sherman Hub recognize that the Hamilton LRT project is a progressive move forward that supports our vision that "The Sherman Hub is a great place to live, work and raise a family."
Although it's well understood that there will be disruptions and difficuties during the construction phase, we believe resulting the benefits to our community and the greater Hamilton community will far outweigh those challenges.
Sherman Hub residents are steadfastly known for their support of local business and this will continue throughout the construction of the LRT. Some of our Planning Team members are already actively engaging to plan ways to lend extra support to businesses along the LRT corridor during this time.
The Sherman Hub shares a boundary with Gage Park; Hamilton's largest city park. Gage Park is one of Hamilton's greatest assests and is widely used by Hamiltonians near and far. Given its popularity as a destination for festivals, the bicycle pump track, greenhouse, Children's Museum, community garden and natural beauty we're also concerned that the Delta Station near Gage Park is missing from the most recent route plans.
In 2011, these plans included a stop at the Delta and we hope and encourage that the Delta Station be added back to the current 2016 plans. In the current plans, stations closest to Gage Park are far too distant for anyone but the most able bodied of residents to access. This is very concerning to us as we hope more Hamiltonians, not fewer, will be able to access and enjoy this amazing asset in our city.
We appreciate your consideration in bringing back the Delta Station and we offer our continued support of the exciting possibilities which the Hamilton LRT project will bring.
Best Regards, The Sherman Hub Community Planning Team
By Deleted User (anonymous) | Posted July 19, 2016 at 22:25:59
Why write to Council and not Metrolinx? It's their baby. They hold the Scope Ladder and make decisions concerning which stops will be built. Although I can assert with confidence: a stop at Gage is not in the budget.
Comment edited by JimC on 2016-07-19 22:27:01
By mdrejhon (registered) - website | Posted July 20, 2016 at 10:56:17 in reply to Comment 119726
It was also submitted on the system which also sends to Metrolinx automatically.
Paul Johnson mentioned that results from public consultations may cause further stop adjustments, including number of stops along the route. The stations and station locations become final sometime around January-February.
The next opportunity is to raise this voice is at upcoming (approx seven) public consultation events during the month of September.
By ref_erendum (registered) | Posted July 20, 2016 at 11:01:18
Supporting a BRT would be a better investment for the Sherman Hub. With LRT stops a Km apart, the oldest and the youngest travelling to a Gage park event will have to call Uber to get to the front door of the park. With NO busses on King street you really believe that people can be delivered cheaply and more efficiently to any function at Gage. Highly unlikely and 5-10 years of construction will derail anything going on at Gage. Supporting NO LRT would be a better investment for you club.
By DowntownInHamilton (registered) | Posted July 20, 2016 at 17:52:48 in reply to Comment 119728
Are you the ones with the hilarious "no to LRT" that has a "no" sign through it? as in "no" to "no to LRT"? Meaning you are in fact for LRT?
By mdrejhon (registered) - website | Posted July 20, 2016 at 11:24:52 in reply to Comment 119728
Regardless of whether you are for LRT or against LRT, it is helpful not to spread misinformation.
(A) Uber is not accessed by a phone call but via an app on a phone.
(B) The bus rerouting study is not yet done. There are parallel bus routes such as Delaware/Maplewood that reaches Gage Park, and bus routes might be created (whether as replacement/reduced/rerouted/increased/etc, too early to say) to optimize for LRT connectvity. Even TTC run buses along some sections above their subways, in some parts of Toronto. Although bus route consolidation will occur, it's worth noting the following screen captures from City of Hamilton materials:
(Source: City of Hamilton LRT FAQ, as of 7/20/2016)
(Source: PED16171, TPAP Update for upcoming 7/26/2016 LRT sub-commitee meeting)
Unlike ref_erendum premature claims's about HSR and Gage Park connectivity, it is too early to know what the new routings will be. Both consolidation and improved service levels are suggested, as seen in above. (Understandably, that will, however probably be hard to predict depending on elements such as area rating and/or increased overall transit funding, including fully funding the HSR 10-Year Rapid Ready plan, as well as also 2018 and 2022 elections)
As mentioned by City of Hamilton, these new HSR routings will be announced at future Public Information Consultation (PIC) sessions.
Comment edited by mdrejhon on 2016-07-20 11:30:50
By jason (registered) | Posted July 20, 2016 at 12:08:53 in reply to Comment 119730
Regardless of whether you are for LRT or against LRT, it is helpful not to spread misinformation.
This is all that Carol and the family at Gilberts Big & Tall are able to share. Without intentional misinformation, their little campaign comes to an end.
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