Council has voted 45 times on rapid transit and light rail transit related motions in the past decade.
By Ryan McGreal
Published May 18, 2016
The City Clerks' office has provided a list of every Committee and Council vote related to rapid transit and light rail transit (LRT) that City Councillors have taken since October 16, 2006, when the Public Works Committee voted to seek senior government funding for a bus rapid transit (BRT) system.
In April 2008, after the Province announced its intent to fund two light rail transit lines in Hamilton, Council changed the name of the Bus Rapid Transit Office to the Rapid Transit Office and initiated a Rapid Transit Feasibility Study to compare BRT and LRT on the east-west B-Line and north-south A-Line.
The final Feasibility Study report came back to Council in October 2008 and strongly recommended focusing on LRT. It drew the following conclusions:
The implementation of LRT has great potential to influence urban growth and revitalize a city's central area.
LRT can strengthen existing neighbourhoods, rejuvenate declining areas and also attract new clusters of development around station sites, and has its strongest development potential in a city's downtown area, revitalizing downtown cores.
Appropriate land use policies are required to optimize the return on the investment for developments along the LRT corridor. The implementation of the LRT system is not just about a new transit system, but rather creating a synergy with the City as a whole.
LRT can also assist with increasing population and employment densities adjacent to the line and specifically in the vicinity of the LRT stations (reflective of the nodes and corridors land use planning concepts developed through GRIDS).
The effect of Light Rail Transit on land values can develop as soon as the decision to move forward with the implementation of a system is announced, before the system is actually built.
Planning of an LRT system should not be done in isolation. Planning policies, engineering principles, economic development and tourism must continue to be involved in the process.
Indirect benefits such as increased property taxes and direct benefits such as public-private partnerships or betterment taxes translate into revenues for the municipal sector. When this is coupled with provincial and federal investment in capital, light rail is a feasible transit option.
Light rail and transit oriented development, aid in transportation demand management, including reduction of car travel trips and increased transit ridership.
Light rail and its relationship with air quality and environmental sustainability can have a significant impact on health and lead to a reduction in health care spending and mitigation of the effects of climate change.
Council agreed and authorized staff to begin work on engineering and detailed design for the B-Line LRT, preliminary design for the A-Line LRT, and a required Class Environmental Assessment, which the Province helped fund with a $3 million grant.
The rest would be history, except that all of a sudden Council seems to have forgotten why they supported LRT in the first place. This collection of all their LRT votes may help to jog a few memories.
Item 8.9 Provincial Gas Tax Transit Master Plan Steering Committee Report 06-007
Item 3: Support for Bus Rapid Transit (B.R.T.) from Senior Governments
Item 4: Bus Rapid Transit Promotion Sub-Committee
Item 5: Establishment of Bus Rapid Transit Office
Item 17 Provincial Gas Tax Transit Master Plan Steering Committee Report 06-007 (2007 Proposed Service Enhancements) (Item 8.9)
(c) Support for Bus Rapid Transit (B.R.T.) from Senior Governments
(d) Bus Rapid Transit Promotion Sub-Committee
(e) Establishment of Bus Rapid Transit Office
Item 5.6 Correspondence from The Honourable Lawrence Cannon, Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities respecting federal funding assistance to introduce a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) System
Item 5.6 Correspondence from The Honourable Lawrence Cannon, Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities respecting federal funding assistance to introduce a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) System
Item 5.6 By-law Respecting Provincial Funding for Rapid Transit, Bike Racks and Bike Parking (PW08045) (City Wide)
Item 7.2 Staff Report PW08043 - Rapid Transit Feasibility Study
Item 5 By-law Respecting Provincial Funding for Rapid Transit, Bike Racks and Bike Parking (PW08045) (City Wide) (Item 5.6)
Item 7 Rapid Transit Feasibility Study (PW08043) (City Wide) (Item 7.2)
Item (h)(ii) Staff Presentations - Rapid Transit Feasibility Study (PW08043)
Item 7.1 Staff Report PW08043(a) Transit Feasibility Study - Public Consultation Update
Item 7.2 Metrolinx Regional Transportation Plan Process and "Quick Win" Service
Item 6 Rapid Transit Feasibility Study - Public Consultation Update (PW08043(a))
Item 7 Metrolinx Regional Transportation Plan Process and "Quick Win" Service Enhancements - "A-Line" and "B-Line" (PW08074) (City Wide) (Item 7.2)
Item (h)(i) Staff Presentations - Rapid Transit Feasibility Study - Public Consultation Update (PW08043(a)) (City Wide) (Item 7.1)
Item (h)(ii) Metrolinx Regional Transportation Plan Process and "Quick Win" Service Enhancements - "A-Line" and "B-Line" (PW08074) (City Wide) (Item 7.2)
Item 5.7 Staff Report PW08043(b) Transit Feasibility Study - Public Consultation Update
Item 7 Rapid Transit Feasibility Study - Public Consultation Update (PW08043(b)) (City Wide) (Item 5.7)
(Link is broken)
Item 7.2 Staff Report PW08043(c) Rapid Transit Feasibility Study - Phase 2
Item 5 Rapid Transit Feasibility Study - Phase 2 (PW08043(c)) (City Wide) (Item 7.2)
Item (f)(ii) Staff Presentations Rapid Transit Feasibility Study - Phase 2 (PW0804(c)) (City Wide)
Item 7.1 Rapid Transit Feasibility Study - Metrolinx Draft Regional Transportation Plan (PW08043d) - (City Wide)
Item 6 Rapid Transit Feasibility Study - Metrolinx Draft Regional Transportation Plan (PW08043(d)) (City Wide) (Item 7.1)
Item (f)(i) Staff Presentations - Rapid Transit Feasibility Study - Metrolinx Draft Regional Transportation Plan (PW08043(d)) (City Wide) (Item 7.1)
Item 8.2 Metrolinx Regional Transportation Plan and Investment Strategy - Implications for Hamilton (PW08043(e)) (City Wide)
Item 8.6 Rapid Transit Vision Statement (PW09007) (City Wide)
Item 6 Metrolinx Regional Transportation Plan and Investment Strategy - Implications for Hamilton (PW08043(e)) (City Wide) (Item 8.2)
Item 10 Rapid Transit Vision Statement (PW09007) (City Wide) (Item 8.6)
Item 12.1 Staff Report PW09027/PED09097- Rapid Transit Maintenance Facility Location Review
Items 7 Rapid Transit Maintenance Facility Location Review (PW09027/PED09097) (City Wide)
Item (k)(i) Private and Confidental - Rapid Transit Maintenance Facility Location Review (PW09027/PED09097) (City Wide)(Item 12.1)
Recorded Vote - (k)(i), Motion Carried
Item 8.2 Staff Report PW08074(a) Rapid Transit Studies Project - Budget Increase for A & B Line Implementation Studies
Item 8.3 Staff Report PW09034 - Rapid Transit Corporate Working Team Workshop, Technical Advisory Committee and Corridor Property Owner Meetings
Item 6 Rapid Transit Studies Project - Budget Increase for A and B Line Implementation Studies (PW08074(a)) (City Wide) (Item 8.2)
Item 7 Rapid Transit Corporate Working Team Workshop, Technical Advisory
Item 5.7 Rapid Transit - Benefits Case Analysis and B-Line Corridor Options - Update (PW09056) (City Wide)
Item 5 Rapid Transit - Benefits Case Analysis and B-Line Corridor Options - Update (PW09056) (City Wide) (Item 5.7)
Item 5.8 Rapid Transit Feasibility Study, Phase 3 - Public Consultation Update (PW08043(f)) (City Wide)
Item 4 Rapid Transit Feasibility Study, Phase 3 - Public Consultation Update (PW08043(f)) (City Wide) (Item 5.8)
Item 8.2 Rapid Transit Procurement Procedures (PW09085) (City Wide)
Item 4 Rapid Transit Procurement Procedures (PW09085) (City Wide) (Item 8.2)
Item 8.2 Contribution Agreement between Metrolinx and the City of Hamilton for Rapid Transit Studies (PW09088) (City Wide)
Item 5 Contribution Agreement between Metrolinx and the City of Hamilton for Rapid Transit Studies (PW09088) (City Wide) (Item 8.2)
Item (g)(v) Presentations - Contribution Agreement between Metrolinx and the City of Hamilton for Rapid Transit Studies (PW09088) (City Wide) (Item 8.2)
Recorded Vote
Recorded Vote - Item 5, GIC Report 09-027
Item 8.3 Staff Report PW10014 - Rapid Transit Studies - B-Line Underground Life Cycle Assessment
Item 7 Rapid Transit Studies - B-line Underground Life Cycle Assessment (PW10014) (City Wide) (Item 8.3)
Item 8.1 Staff Report PW10048 - Hamilton's Rapid Transit Initiative - Downtown BIA Letter
Item 12.2 Staff Report PW10050 Proposed Land Acquisition for Rapid Transit Confidential
Item 4 Hamilton's Rapid Transit Initiative - Downtown BIA Letter (PW10048) (City Wide) (Outstanding Business List Item) (Item 8.1)
Item 9 Proposed Land Acquisition for Rapid Transit (PW10050) (Ward 1) (Item 12.2) Confidential
Item (k)(ii) Proposed Acquisition for Rapid Transit (PW10050) (Ward 1) (Item 12.2)
Item 8.1 Quick Wins - Transfer of Funds (PW08074b) - (City Wide)
Item 4 Quick Wins - Transfer of Funds (PW08074b) (City Wide) (Item 8.1)
Item 5.2 Rapid Transit Update - B-Line Planning, Design and Engineering, A-Line Feasibility and B-Line Nodes and Corridors Land Use Study (PW11020/PED11068) - (City Wide)
Item 4 Rapid Transit Update - B-Line Planning, Design and Engineering, A-Line Feasibility and B-Line Nodes and Corridors Land Use Study (PW11020/PED11068) - (City Wide) (Item 5.2)
Item 7.1 B-Line Nodes and Corridors Land Use Planning Study and Mid-Rise Development (PED11125) (City Wide)
Item 7.1 Staff Presentation
Item 7.1 Proponent Presentation
Item 8 B-Line Nodes and Corridors Land Use Planning Study and Mid-Rise Development (PED11125) (City Wide) (Item 7.1)
Item (e)(iv) B-Line Nodes and Corridors Land Use Planning Study and Mid-Rise Development (PED11125) (City Wide) (Item 7.1)
Item 9.2 Motion - Light Rail Transit (LRT) and GO Transit
Item (h)(ii) Motion - Light Rail Transit (LRT) and GO Transit (Item 9.2)
Item 8.4 - Notice of Motion - Request for Confirmation of LRT Commitment from the Province
Item 7.3 Motion - Request for Confirmation of LRT Commitment from the Province
Item 7.3 Motion - Request for Confirmation of LRT Commitment from the Province Recorded Vote - Amended and Carried
Item 7.1 Staff Report CM11016/PW11064/PED11154/FCS11072 Conventional, Rapid and Inter-Regional Transit: Technical Land Use and Financial Considerations
Item 7.1 Presentation
Item 9.1 Motion - Light Rail Transit (LRT) and GO Transit
Item 1 Conventional, Rapid and Inter-Regional Transit: Technical, Financial and Land Use Considerations (CM11016/PW11064/PED11154/FCS11072) - (City Wide) (Item 7.1)
Item 3 Meeting Respecting the City's Position on the LRT
Item (f)(i) Presentation - Conventional, Rapid and Inter-Regional Transit: Technical, Financial and Land Use Considerations (CM11016/PW11064/ PED11154/FCS11072) (City Wide) (Item. 7.1)
Recorded Vote - Carried
Item (g)(i) Motion - Light Rail Transit and Go Transit (Item 9.1)
Recorded Vote - Items 1 and 3 of the GIC Report 11-030
Item 7.1 City Wide Corridor Planning Principles and Design Guidelines (City Wide) (Outstanding Business List Item) (PED11125(a)) Presentation
Item 7.1 Staff Presentation
Item 7.2 Main, King, Queenston (B-Line) Corridor Land Use Strategy (Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9) (PED12063)
Item 5 City Wide Corridor Planning Principles and Design Guidelines (City Wide) (Outstanding Business List Item) (PED11125(a)) (Item 7.1)
Item 6 Main, King, Queenston (B-Line) Corridor Land Use Strategy (Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9) (PED12063) (Item 7.2)
Item (f)(i) City Wide Corridor Planning Principles and Design Guidelines (City Wide) (Outstanding Business List Item) (PED11125(a)) (Item 7.1)
Item (f)(ii) Main, King, Queenston (B-Line) Corridor Land Use Strategy (Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9) (PED12063) (Item 7.2)
Item 7.2 Staff Report PW11064(a) - Rapid Transit Maintenance and Storage Facility and Spur Line
Item 11 Rapid Transit Maintenance and Storage Facility and Spur Line (PW11064(a)) (City Wide) (Item 7.2)
Item (g)(ii) Presentation - Rapid Transit Maintenance and Storage Facility and Spur Line (PW11064(a)) (City Wide) (Item 7.2)
Recorded Vote - Carried
Recorded Vote - Item 11, GIC Report 12-021
Item 10.1 Notice of Motion - City Representation on the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce Light Rail Transit Task Force (Added Item 10.1)
Item (i) Notice of Motion - City Representation on the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce Light Rail Transit Task Force (Added Item 10.1)
Item c(i) Presentations - David Adames, President and CEO, Hamilton Chamber of Commerce, respecting the City's 2013 Capital Budget
Item 5.1 Staff Report PW13014 - Rapid Ready - Expanding Mobility Choices in Hamilton
Item 1 Rapid Ready - Expanding Mobility Choices in Hamilton (PW13014) (City Wide) (Item 5.1)
Item (d)(i) Presentations - Rapid Ready - Expanding Mobility Choices in Hamilton (PW13014) (City Wide) (Item 5.1)
Recorded Vote - Item 1, GIC Report 13-006
Item 5.2 Correspondence from Metrolinx respecting "The Big Move" - The Regional Transportation Plan for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA)
Item 8.1 Notice of Motion - Re-Affirmation of Council's Position respecting B-Line LRT on King Street
Items 5.2 Correspondence from Metrolinx respecting "The Big Move" - The Regional Transportation Plan for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA)
Item 8.1 Re-Affirmation of Council's Position respecting B-Line Light Rail Transit (LRT) on King Street
Item 7.2 Re-Affirmation of Council's Position respecting B-Line Light Rail Transit (LRT) on King Street
Motion Amended - Recorded Vote on amendment
Item 7.1 Staff Report FCS13002 - Metrolinx - Regional Funding Tools
Item 7.1 Presentation
Item 4 Metrolinx - Regional Funding Tools (FCS13002) (City Wide) (Item 7.1)
Item 5 Comments respecting Metrolinx Regional Funding Tools (New Business)
Item (g)(i) Presentation - Metrolinx - Regional Funding Tools (FCS13002) (City Wide) (Item 7.1)
Recorded Vote
Item 7.7 Motion - Re-Affirmation of Council's Position respecting Rapid Transit with Light Rail Transit (LRT) in the Eastgate to McMaster corridor as the Preferred Option (Report PW08043(d))
Recorded Vote - Item 4, GIC Report 13-010
Item 7.7 Motion - Re-Affirmation of Council's Position respecting Rapid Transit with Light Rail Transit (LRT) in the Eastgate to McMaster corridor as the Preferred Option (Report PW08043(d))
Recorded Vote
Item 9.1 Motion - Implementation of Rapid Ready - Local Transit Service Improvements and Financial Strategy (Item 9.1)
(Notice of Motion at May 15, 2013 GIC Meeting) (Deferred from June 5, 2013 GIC Meeting)
Item 9.2 Motion - Implementation of Rapid Ready - Local Transit Service Improvements and Financial Strategy (Item 9.2) (Deferred from June 5, 2013 GIC Meeting)
Item (h)(i) Motion - Implementation of Rapid Ready - Local Transit Service Improvements and Financial Strategy
Item (h)(ii) Motion - Implementation of Rapid Ready - Local Transit Service Improvements and Financial Strategy
Item 8.1 Staff Report FCS13002(a) - Metrolinx Investment Strategy Update
Item 9 Metrolinx Investment Strategy Update (FCS13002(a)) (City Wide) (Item 8.1)
Item 5.9 Correspondence from Ted Gill respecting a Submission on Rapid Transit Planning in Hamilton
Item 5.9 Correspondence from Ted Gill respecting a Submission on Rapid Transit Planning in Hamilton
Item 1 Request for Meetings respecting Light Rail Transit (New Business) (No Copy)
Item 6.1 Correspondence from Ted Gill respecting a Submission on Rapid Transit Planning in Hamilton
Item 10.1 Notice of Motion - Economic Benefits - Light Rail Transit (LRT) B-Line/Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
Item (f)(i) Ted Gill, respecting Submission on Rapid Transit Planning in Hamilton (Item 6.1)
Item (j)(i) Notice of Motion - Economic Benefits - Light Rail Transit (LRT) B-Line/Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) (Added 10.1)
Item (j)(ii) Re-evaluation of Cost and Business Case for B-line vs A-line (New Business)
Item 5.18 Correspondence from the Ministry of Transportation respecting the invitation of the Honourable Glen Murray to attend the General Issues Committee respecting Light Rail Transit
Item 8.2 Notice of Motion - Moratorium on LRT Debate Until After the Provincial Election
Item 5.18 Correspondence from the Ministry of Transportation respecting the invitation of the Honourable Glen Murray to attend the General Issues Committee respecting Light Rail Transit
Item 8.2 Notice of Motion - Moratorium on LRT Debate Until After the Provincial Election
Item 7.1 Motion - Moratorium on LRT Debate
Item 7.1 Motion - Moratorium on LRT Debate (withdrawn)
Item 8.1 Notice of Motion - Implementation of the Action Plan contained on Pages 43 and 44 of the Rapid Ready Report
Item 8.1 Notice of Motion - Implementation of the Action Plan contained on Pages 43 and 44 of the Rapid Ready Report
Item 9.3 Motion - Economic Benefits - Light Rail Transit (LRT) B-Line/Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
Item 9.4 Motion - Re-evaluation of Cost and Business Case for B-Line vs A-Line
Item (i)(i) Motion - Economic Ben fits - Light Rail Transit (LRT) B-Line/Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Item 9.3) - withdrawn
Item (i)(iv) Motion - Re-Evaluation of Cost and Business Case for B-Line vs A-Line (Item 9.4) - withdrawn
Item 7.1 Motion - Implementation of the Action Plan contained on Pages 43 and 44 of the Rapid Ready Report
Item 7.1 Motion - Implementation of the Action Plan contained on Pages 43 and 44 of the Rapid Ready Report
Item 8.1 Staff Report PW14015a - Ten Year (2015 to 2024) Local Transit Strategy Presentation
Item 9.1 Motion - A Citizen's Panel to Study and Report on Transit Options
Item 2 New Service Standards -10 Year Local Transit Strategy (Item 9.2)
Item (e) Ten Year (2015-2024) Local Transit Strategy (PW14015(a)) (City Wide) (Item 8.1) Recorded Votes
Item (f)(i) A Citizen's Panel to Study and Report on Transit Options (Item 9.1) Recorded Vote
Item (f)(ii) New Service Standards -10 Year Local Transit Strategy (Item 9.2) Recorded Vote
Item 6 New Service Standards -10 Year Local Transit Strategy (Item 9.2) (March 6, 2015 -15-004(g))
Item 7.2 Staff Report CM15014 - Fostering the Light Rail Transit (LRT) Project
Item 8 Fostering the Light Rail Transit (LRT) Project (CM15014) (City Wide) (Item 7.2)
Item (g)(ii) Presentations - Fostering the Light Rail Transit (LRT) Project (CM15014) (City Wide) (Item 7.2)
Item 8.3 Staff Report PED15157 - Interim Control By-laws - Certain Lands along Main Street West, King Street West/East, Queenston Road, James Street North - Light Rapid Transit (LRT) Corridor
Item 8.3 Staff Presentation and Written Comments
Item 9 Interim Control By-laws - Certain Lands along Main Street West, King Street West/East, Queenston Road, James Street North Light Rapid Transit (LRT) Corridor (PED15157) (Wards 1, 2, 3 and 4) (Item 8.3)
Item 10 Alternative Financing for the Work Required for the Interim Control By-laws (Added Item)
Item (g)(ii) Discussion - Interim Control By-laws - Certain Lands along Main Street West, King Street West/East, Queenston Road, James Street North Light Rapid Transit (LRT) Corridor (PED15157) (Wards 1, 2, 3 and 4) (Item 8.3)
Recorded Vote - Item 9, Planning Report 15-016
Item 8.14 Light Rail Transit Sub-Committee Report 15-001
Item 18 Light Rail Transit Sub-Committee Report 15-001, September 23, 2015 (Item 8.14)
Item 8.13 Light Rail Transit Sub-Committee Report 15-002, dated November 30, 2015 Light Rail Transit Sub-Committee Terms of Reference (Item 8.1)
Item 17 Light Rail Transit Sub-Committee Report 15-002, November 30, 2015 (Item 8.13)
Light Rail Transit Sub-Committee Terms of Reference (Item 8.1)
Item 8.10 Light Rail Transit Sub-Committee Report 16-001, January 16, 2016 1. Light Rail Transit Memorandum of Agreement - City of Hamilton and Metrolinx (PED16042/LS16003) (Item 8.1)
Correspondence from the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce respecting their LRT Task Force Draft Terms of Reference (Added Item 8.4)
Transcribing Meetings of the LRT Sub-Committee (Added Item 10.1) Item 8.10 (a) AMENDED - Appendix "A" to the Light Rail Transit Sub-Committee Report 16-001, January 25, 2016 (Memorandum of Understanding)
Item 13 Light Rail Transit Sub-Committee Report 16-001, January 25, 2016 (Item 8.10)
Item 8.5 Staff Report PED16073 - Light Rail Transit (LRT) Office and Administration Budget
Item 12 Light Rail Transit (LRT) Office and Administration Budget (PED16073) (City Wide) (Item 8.5)
Item (g)(i) Discussion Items - Light Rail Transit (LRT) Office and Administration Budget (PED16073) City Wide) (Item 8.5) Recorded Vote
Recorded Vote - Item 12, GIC Report 16-009
Item 7.3 Reaffirming the Acceptance of the One Billion Dollar Investment in Infrastructure and Public Transit Investment from the Province of Ontario
Item 7.3 Reaffirming the Acceptance of the One Billion Dollar Investment in Infrastructure and Public Transit Investment from the Province of Ontario Recorded Vote
By kevlahan (registered) | Posted May 18, 2016 at 14:49:54
Did they send the results of the votes? As far as I recall almost every vote passed unanimously, and the few that didn't had a massive majority in favour.
As far as Council's voting record over the past 10 years, LRT with full provincial funding was always the goal and had solid Council support.
By info (anonymous) | Posted May 19, 2016 at 09:34:58
We need to start asking as Mayor Eisenberger did to see the emails and letters in opposition to LRT, through freedom of information act or whatever means. These councilors need to be held accountable if they are misrepresenting their constituents. Also, how many people would oppose LRT when given full information about the circumstances at present (e.g. Full provincial funding for LRT only take it or give to another city)?
By GrapeApe (registered) | Posted May 19, 2016 at 11:35:59 in reply to Comment 118690
Agreed. Would also like accountability for those take creative license. Silent majority polls, or any similar references, should be unacceptable.
By kevlahan (registered) | Posted May 19, 2016 at 11:00:30 in reply to Comment 118690
When I spoke to many stakeholder groups at the beginning of the LRT process when Council really was originally trying to decide whether to pursue LRT every single one eventually wrote a letter to Council supporting LRT (with majority Provincial funding) after hearing about the project.
These groups included BIAs, Neighbourhood Associations, service clubs (e.g. Rotary), business groups (Chamber of Commerce, Realtors, Homebuilders) and church groups in many different parts of the city. It was an extremely diverse group of people.
When the City did its consultation in 2009-2011 they found similarly high levels of support once the project and its goals were explained.
Much of the opposition is really concern from people who don't really know much about the project except that it is expensive, construction will be disruptive and they don't imagine themselves using it.
By Ralph (anonymous) | Posted May 19, 2016 at 11:42:04 in reply to Comment 118691
So how is it possible that councillors keep talking about representing an invisible majority of opposition to LRT? Is this not media worthy?!? What are our journalists in this city doing? Unless the opposition can be identified, the problem gives rise to suspicion of corruption and conspiracy theories.
By BobbyB (anonymous) | Posted May 19, 2016 at 11:15:51
Votes, votes, votes...they are more of a guideline really. I remember back in 1964, the Ti-Cats were 1st and Goal from the 4 yard line and all they had to do was punch it in to win the game. The great running back, Skippy Johnson, was ready to take the ball, when all of the sudden......what are we talking about again? LRT, right! Democracy is hard. Bocce for all!
By Groan (anonymous) | Posted May 19, 2016 at 11:18:21
A Ti-Cat analogy. We may have just jumped the shark.
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