The Realtors' Association of Hamilton-Burlington (RAHB) has formally endorsed light rail transit.
In a May 14 letter to Mayor Fred Eisenberger and Council by Ann Cosens, the RAHB President and John Vail, the Government Relations Chair, the association wrote "to express our full support of the development of light rail transit (LRT) in Hamilton."
The RAHB believes light rail will help to achieve the city's goals: "revitalization of the downtown core, intensification along main corridors, increased economic development and broadening of the tax base."
They argue further that LRT will help to "encourage economic vitality, provide housing opportunities, preserve the environment, protect property owners and build community."
You can read the full text of the letter on the Hamilton Light Rail website (PDF).
By gullchasedship (registered) - website | Posted May 26, 2008 at 10:40:59
That's all fine and dandy. They don't have to pay for it. Our taxes are already higher than most municipalities in Ontario. Let's get our house in order before ordering luxuries.
By downtowner (registered) | Posted May 26, 2008 at 13:50:10
Good for the Realty Association. They are on the ground and know what's good for the city. Heed them. And also heed their support of the Airport Industrial lands. That too makes sense for the city.
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