Comment 98355

By KevinLove (registered) | Posted March 10, 2014 at 20:43:11 in reply to Comment 98352

Sean wrote:

"The smallest businesses pay disproportionately higher taxes compared to big business..."

Kevin's comment:

And not just tax breaks. How about big corporations getting huge government payouts, such as the $13.7 billion paid by the governments of Ontario and Canada to GM and Chrysler to bail them out. Or the Hamilton Airport boondoggle. They are called "Corporate Welfare Bums" for a reason.

Meanwhile, small businesses going bankrupt get bailed out approximately zero percent of the time.

As a professional accountant I can attest to the game being rigged by big businesses and their corrupt crony politicians writing nice tax loopholes into the Income Tax Act.

Corrupt crony politicians such as Brian Mulroney getting a suitcase full of cash that he insists is a legitimate payment for services rendered that he just simply "forgot" to declare on his income tax. Looks like he is so used to receiving suitcases full of cash that one slipped his mind.

Or Jean Chretien handing multi-billion dollar tax write-offs to oil companies, retiring from politics, and being handed lucrative seats on the board of directors of... but we all know how this ends.

Notice how I picked one corrupt politician from each party. That's because it is totally non-partisan to play the game of handing big corrupt favors to big businesses and then retiring from politics and taking jobs, "consulting" contracts and seats on the boards of directors of the same companies.

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